Parent Review: Erin R.

The topponcino totally saved my sanity. I just wish I’d found it earlier.
I’d learned about the topponcino in 2014, several months before my son Kellen was born. At the time, I couldn’t find one for sale online so I decided to make my own, and I had absolutely no idea how much of a positive impact it would make on my pregnancy. You see, when Kellen was born I herniated a disk in my lower back during his delivery, which left me barely able to move, let alone hold my newborn baby.
I had help for a month after our son’s delivery and that made life possible -- thanks mom! What made life bearable was the topponcino. I could nurse Kellen while holding him on the topponcino and then pass him over to my mom to do the rest.
Never once did he fuss at these pass-offs, and I attribute it to the topponcino. To him it was just a readjustment, nothing major. For that first month I barely held the baby, yet he was mostly comfortable in my mom’s arms or in various sleeping locations thanks to the topponcino.
Buy your own topponcino here ->
After the first month I was able to hold him more, but didn’t have the added help of mom around to entertain my 4-year-old daughter, so Kellen spent lots of time laying on his topponcino beside us while we played on the floor.
As Kellen grew I would lay him on the topponcino and set up mobiles for him, so big sister and I could do things nearby, and he could learn that it was okay to be physically on his own.
The topponcino allowed me to lay Kellen down any safe place to sleep, and I did so. I would lay him in a safe place in the kitchen while I was cooking so he could be nearby to get used to the sounds of the house. I am convinced that using the topponcino helped to foster his innate sense of security, and he is a more laid-back kid today because of it. He certainly is a better sleeper because of it!
Comparatively, my 9-year old daughter had a terrible time sleeping as an infant. She would only sleep in my arms or beside me, nursing. I firmly believe that if I had a topponcino when she was an infant she would have been a better sleeper from the get-go. She would have been more comfortable around family and friends, and would have been comfortable being held by her father. She was a high-needs baby, and for anyone with a baby that’s been labeled “colicky” or “fussy” I highly recommend a topponcino.
In fact, I consider the topponcino one of those must-have items, on par with a car seat. Everyone needs one!
- Erin
I’m Erin, mom to 2 kids, 9 and 4, raised with attachment parenting, Montessori principles and respectful positive parenting. Nowadays I am unschooling the kids, running my businesses The Constellation Soap Company and managing my blog There’s Something Better.
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