Parent Reviews

If you’re a parent-to-be discovering your personal must haves, a parent in dire need of sleep help, or a friend looking for a truly useful gift for new parents, I honestly can’t recommend the topponcino highly enough! This consistent form of comfort for your kiddo will quickly become something that you, too, will be able to say you wouldn’t want to parent without!
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Newborns are able to recognize their mother’s scent in the first couple of days so having the topponcino in your own bed prior to the birth helps transfers some yummy mummy scents that will comfort your babe when he’s obviously out the womb and you’re not close by.
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My husband was skeptical at first about the topponcino, but it ended up being the most useful and used thing we bought for our son and he now recommends it to other new parents.
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The first time I held my tiny, angelic grandson, he was securely handed to me on his Topponcino and I cuddled him as intimately as if he was directly touching my arms. The Topponcino is thin enough to feel closeness, but thick enough to hold baby in a comfortable position so neither his head nor arms flopped. I didn’t have to think about how I was holding his head or if he was comfortable, I was able to just enjoy the moment.
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The topponcino totally saved my sanity. I just wish I’d found it earlier. I’d learned about the topponcino in 2014, several months before my son Kellen was born. At the time, I couldn’t find one for sale online so I decided to make my own, and I had absolutely no idea how much of a positive impact it would make on my pregnancy.